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"One Last Tailgate to Go"

Just as bright as everything looked last week, it now seems so dark,
The team on the field in Northwestern, played without even a spark.

Yet, our tailgate continues to expand and put on a good show,
With the season nearing it’s end, I call this poem “One Last Tailgate to Go!”

It’s easy to get down and be upset with our team,
The possibility of a good year is now only a dream.

But for me and you I hope too, there is a lot more at stake,
Like the old adage goes, you sometimes can’t eat your cake!

This year at the tailgate, we have had a number of treats,
Not just the viddles, the bacon and the piles of sweets.

We found out that by next season, there’ll be a new Bean with us,
And when you add in Sir Puderick, the Yorkers will soon need a bus!

The tailgate is developing into a generational family event,
And so we added capacity with a new Penn State Blue Canopy tent!

But the best thing for me, is to spend time with you all,
And even when our team loses I still have a ball!

The week is still filled with anticipation, even with the last game on its way,
I still get excited packing up Thursday night, just waiting for Game Day!

I still wake at 4:00 ready and raring, to head to the lot,
Thinking how wonderful Saturday is and thankful for the friends that we’ve got!

So I leave you with these thoughts and send them straight from my heart,
To tell you how much you all mean to me, I don’t even know where to start!

You are a wonderful bunch and I hope to see you all throughout the year,
Because the friendships we’ve made, have drawn all of our families near!

Lastly, I can say for certain that I want you all to know,
I can’t wait to see you all Saturday, for this “One Last Tailgate to Go!”

Brent "Poet Laureate"

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