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September 16, 2005

"Bestest Tailgate"

It's time for game three and the better we look,
Lots of snacks, dips and wonderful viddles to cook!

Central Michigan is next and the team's starting to roll,
Though it's a little too early, to talk of a Bowl!

Wine in a Box, is the new featured drink,
But the real question is will it be red, white or pink?

High Life and Ketchup from an unsuspecting place,
Though I imagine ther'll also be a cold Lager case!

Brew will be coming, but without his new bride to be,
Another member of the tailgating family to add to our tree!

So get all your magnets, your flags and your gear,
Ice down your coolers, add your water and beer!

Then hop in car and head for Penn State!
For another wonderful time at the "Bestest Tailgate!"

Brent "Poet Laureate"

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